Monday 9 June 2014


I have gone through and added "alt" (alternative) tags to my images so that if they cannot be loaded or a description of them is required, it is possible. Below are three examples, but I have done this as much as possible across the site.

I've also taken other provisions to ensure that my site is accessible. Any text that I have on the site can be read clearly due to the high contrast between the text and the background (e.g. white against a deep green/deep red) and the colours in general on the site are high contrasting, but not too much so.

As you can see from this screen cap (of my favourite part of my site!) all of the colours contrast each other well and most importantly, the text is readable. It is 'real' text (it's not an image) which helps if a user requires the computer to read out the text due to an impairment.

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