Wednesday 7 May 2014

Making Some Changes

There was one particular change that I wanted to make in my design as well as an additional one suggested in the pitch I did yesterday. These were the design of the home button and the direction/shape of the arrows that divide each 'section' on the main home page.

Home Button
I want to feature the home button separate from the main central ribbon, but have it float just like the navigation bar does and have it 'stick' to the top of the page. My initial design of it was pretty boring and not interesting.
There's not really much well considered design that comes into I decided to do a bit more work on it so it doesn't look like so much of an after thought. 
All of these match the design style of my website, and enable me to have the ribbon coming out of the edge of the page, making them a good design to make 'sticky' at the top of the page. 

I am leaning more towards the 3rd, right hand side version. I like how the I've made the corner flick up, and as I'm writing this it's given me an idea!
Have the corner flick up as the mouse hovers over it. I don't really like the idea of having a change of colour in it's 'down' state, so I'm thinking of keeping the over state for the down state too. 

I've also now decided to move the home button to the top left of the screen rather than the top right, as it feels like a more natural place for it to sit. 
Page Dividers
A suggestion in my pitch was to change the direction or shape of the page dividers - which happen to be in likeness to an arrow. The design of these was not initially meant to represent arrows, but they are obviously in a similar shape to them.. The worry was that the fact that they are pointing upwards counteracts my want to provoke the users scrolling down the page, so the suggestion was to turn the arrows around or change the shape.

The first change was the shape.  In these examples I have changed the shape to match the outline of the volcano that is featured in the logo.

In this example I have changed the arrows to point down. I do not like it!
I do not like it as it seems to protrude a lot into the section rather than out of it. A point made my tutor has made me lean back towards my initial design of having the arrows point up. It makes each section appear like a tab in a folder and is something that is quite prominent on the web today. 

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