Saturday 24 May 2014

Navigation Issues

It was my aim when starting to build my website that I would build the frame of the entire site first and would then start to bring in content. This gives me a frame that I can reuse easily and quickly for every page. I'm at that point now, so I'm just going back and looking at the content within my iBook and finalising how I can divide it all up/what pages I need etc.

In my iBook (what this website is based off) I have 4 chapters. Within each of those there are sections , and within those are pages (describing each section). My original plan for this site involved creating 11 pages (a page per section). However, on my home page I planned on having the main navigation links (under the main logo) not to link to any internal pages but to link to different places on the same page. This has left me with an issue that's been at the back of my mind the entire time I've been building this site - how do people link to the internal pages? Initially the plan was to have links within the text on the home page that links to them. However, I want to make the website as easy to use as possible, so why would I introduce another step in a users journey to finding the information they need?

Ideally, the links at the top of the page in the main navigation should link to the equivalent chapter pages within the website as that's generally what a user expects to happen when they click to them. To me it seems unnatural for them to attempt to navigate to information and for them to essentially only be taken half way there.

I do not want to introduce drop down menus into my navigation, it just does not seem necessary. Besides, I already have a nicely designed way of arranging information on the page - the 'tabbed', different coloured sections on the page.

I have spoken with a few peers about this and how they think I should arrange information and the general consensus seems to be reduce the amount of pages. There are already several pages within each section that I have merged together simply because standing on their own does not really equate to enough information on one page.

-  Main navigation links (below logo) will link to each chapter page.
-  Each chapter page (e.g. "What is a Volcano?") will be split up in similar fashion to the home page, with each section being a different colour.
-  The sections on the home page will contain a summary of each question answered in that chapter, as well as images and some "did you know" facts. There will be links here to navigate to the internal pages too.
-  The sections on the home page will not be 'required reading' but it shall be made clear that they are there (they are tucked beneath the fold of the page so aren't necessarily immediately obvious). They should be thought of as 'teasers' as to what can be discovered within the website. They will also contain links to certain pages and areas within those pages.

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