Tuesday 6 May 2014

Pitching My Idea

Today I pitched my idea to the class and it went really well. My proposed idea was well received and I was complemented on several aspects of both the design and pitch as well as given some tips on how to improve.

In my pitch I presented a small amount of research and used it as a platform to explain how my idea developed, and I was complemented on this. It helped them to understand how my idea had got to the point it had and gave them a sense of background on the work I have been doing.

In the presentation I mentioned certain things that have greatly helped me come to the design I have and I was told that this helped a few other people too and also helped explain and break down my idea to them.

In terms of the design that I presented (for desktop and mobile), it was taken and complemented well. One small criticism and suggestion was that to change the arrows that separate each 'section' on the page from pointing up to pointing down. They were worried that the arrows pointing up counteracted my aim to provoke people to scroll down the page, and I understand this. I am going to do a quick re design to see what it looks like and see if it improves the look of the page. If not, I am not too worried. I was already thinking about replacing the 'up' arrows with the shape of the volcano (featured in the logo) as the shapes are very similar and would make it a bit more fun, as well as allowing me to incorporate more background graphics in an interesting way into each 'section'.

From here I need to mock up the iPad, get storyboarding and finalise my navigation system. 

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