Tuesday 15 October 2013

Choosing a relatable idea and taglines!

I was finding it really hard to develop my original idea in the style that I decided on, and didn't feel like it was going to work. I want to make a poster that is strongly orientated towards women, but didn't feel like all of the ideas I had were developed or thought about enough. I experimented a lot more, came up with a lot of designs, combined a few and adapted things here and there, but I think I've finally concluded on a specific idea that would work in a number of different layouts.

I want to make a poster that is specific to females, and I want to choose imagery that the majority of females can recognise and hopefully relate to as it's something that's important in their lives - specifically 16-18 year olds (my target audience). What stuck out to me was the theme "fashion", and a females appearance in general. A lot of 16-18 year old girls care heavily about what they look like, what their peers think of them and whether or not they are keeping up with current trends, and for a lot of them this can directly relate to whether they're "popular" or not, which is important to them.

Similarly, Science does not have a reputation as a "cool" or "fun" subject to study, and I want to change a females perspective of the subject by advertising it around something they are already interested in.

So, I've run with the fashion theme. I'm going to combine the two - fashion and science. One of the most difficult things I was trying to do was come up with a tagline, but with a theme to relate it to I came up with 3 in particular:

  • "Whats in my Science bag?" - Reminds me of videos on Youtube "whats in my make up bag", provoked imagery in my head of "essentials to take to science class" (e.g. then imagery of "science stuff". 
  • "Wear Science on your sleeve" - being proud of studying science, showing it off, openly discussing science, accepting science, being and making other people interested in science, science is positive.
  • "Science is the new black" - science is popular, the next big thing, you should 'get in on it' like it's the newest iPhone, "everyone" is into science, in a way "following the crowd", people will be impressed if you study it. Heavily related to fashion, provokes imagery of clothing. 
My favourite is "Science is the new black". It puts the subject in a whole new light, and suggests the idea of popularity and it being the "next big thing" for a girl to study (and in fashion, wear). So I started to do drawings. I love the idea of silhouettes, and this is something I've developed off of previous ideas for this project. An initial idea I had was to catch girls attention with something like hair dye, and then encourage them to study science in order to find out what it's made of - "science is everything", "everything is here because of science". So I combined these two ideas. Build the shape of something recognisable (e.g. a handbag, a dress) out of science imagery, to suggest the idea of everything being built out of science as well as science being something thats popular.
I drew "sciencey" imagery in a silhouette style, and then drew shapes that I thought would be directly and recognisably related to fashion.
I then drew my first mock up of how I thought I could make the layout work. It's quite basic, image + text below. 

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