Sunday 6 October 2013

Summary of the Brief AF102

Module AF102 - Science Department Recruitment Poster

The Task

  • Design and produce a poster that helps to recruit students to study A Level science courses. 
  • There's currently a push towards getting more girls to study sciences at A Level, so there is the option of considering this in the design.


  • Design at least one poster
  • The poster should promote all 3 sciences (Chemistry, Physics and Biology) or should focus on one in particular. 
  • Vector based, so it can be blown up/shrunk to any size. Will be printed at a A1 size
  • Designed using Adobe Illustrator
  • Based on an existing visual style - Steampunk, Victoriana, Pop Art, Early 20th Century Sci-Fi movie posters, or book cover art.
  • Colours, typography  and graphic style must be true to the visual style chosen.
  • Have a suitable slogan that links the design to the branch of science chosen to be promoted. 

I will also run this blog, updating it with any research that I have conducted (e.g. on existing visual styles), software techniques (both my own and existing artwork I am analysing), my development on the project, as well as feedback I get (from presentations, discussion with peers etc) and the changes I am going to make to my design based on it (and why).

Alongside my blog I will also keep a sketchbook that documents my ideas and how they develop throughout the project. The sketchbook will also contain experiments on colour, typography, drawing style and proofing.

The research I conduct and the ideas I develop on both my blog and in my sketchbook will help me put together a pitch. The pitch will present my ideas in the form of a proposal and will show what I intend to be my final design. I will receive feedback on make changes to my work depending on it.

At the end of the project I will submit:

  • High quality .PDF of the final version of my poster.
  • Working files from Illustrator (in .AI format)
  • A pitch presentation
  • This blog with its address
  • Sketchbook

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