Wednesday 23 October 2013

Developing my idea

Build the shape of a fashion item, e.g. a handbag or a dress, out of silhouettes of Scientific imagery (a planet, a magnifying glass, a DNA spiral etc.) to suggest the idea of everything being built out of things we know as "Science" as well as science being the "new black" - science is popular.  This poster shall be in the Pop Art design style. Below are some initial art work ideas.
The shapes I've drawn are examples of what the rest will look like - in a silhouette style in either black or a colour. Below is the dress I will be using as a guide - drawn on Illustrator. The silhouettes I create will fill this dress to represent the shape of it.
I was experimenting with what the background, behind the dress, would look like. I decided to get rid of the edge of the dress as keeping it would make it more than obvious that there was a dress on the poster and would withdraw from the "science" aspect. Instead I have chosen to expand the silhouettes around the shape of the dress, and will highlight the shape of it by using colour. The shapes that build the dress shall be in black, with the surrounding colours in one or two colours.
I've also made a decision to then frame this artwork with a more subtle background that contains further elements of Pop Art. For this I've taken inspiration from Roy Lichtenstein and his signature dots. (see below)
As I've decided to use colour as one of the main ways to identify the dress, I've chosen a strong combination of colours that contrast each other well. 
The creamy white colour will be used for the dots to create a neutral background, and will help 'pop' the other colours. The rest of the colours are not the brightest shades of each so the use of the creamy/white colour will help keep the poster bright and true to the pop art style. 

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