Saturday 30 November 2013

Retro Badges & Logo's

The basis of 'The Outsiders' is two rival gangs. Whilst I was looking into newspapers and alternate ways of designing them, I came across this image.

When I saw this image, I thought it would be the perfect way to portray the idea of the 'rebellious' theme in the book as someone has taken an article about something (in this case, the Beatles) and drawn their own idea of it over the top. This idea of what's essentially graffiti in it's most basic form sparked the concept I'm pursuing now.

I want to turn the title of the book into the 'tag' for the 'The Greasers' - who are what's described as 'The Outsiders'. The idea is to have their 'tag' over the top of a newspaper article (that's about them). A tag is basically what a gang (or more modernly, a graffiti artist) uses to identify themselves and the work that they do. 

As I have decided to go down the "retro design" avenue, I researched "what makes a design retro", and came up with the following article from ''.
"Badges and logos play a crucial role in creating a retro feel. Badges are usually round shaped with a fluttering slim banner over them. Subtle and contrasting colors are used on retro logos and badges. Most of them can be created with Photoshop."
I read this and was reminded of all of the logos and badges that I have seen whilst browsing through examples of Retro Graphic Design. Below are some I have come across
These have inspired me to create my own badge for 'The Outsiders' and turn it into the main feature of my book cover. I think it will enhance both the 'retro' look of the cover as well as, if designed right,  putting across a theme of the book  - gang culture.

logo sources

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