Monday 7 October 2013

Research: Steampunk Text!

When I was researching Steampunk, very few of the images that showed up in my search had text featuring on them. If I'm going to create a poster that tries to recruit people to join something, there's quite a high chance it's going to need to feature some text, so I did some research on Steampunk text/fonts. This is what I found:

Like the Steampunk images I found, there seems to be varying degrees of the style. Number 2 features less mechanical imagery than say, number 4 or 3, but all fit within the Steampunk genre. Image number one has a lot of imagery that you'd find in an industrial setting, but then also has a Victorian hat sat on top of  one of the letters.

These fonts seem like they'd be difficult to read if they were used in a long sentence, and would be better used as titles. Here are other fonts I found that could be better for longer stretches of text.
Main things I noticed:
  • Using a combination of images to build the shape of a letter
  • Victorian style text that features industrial colours (greys, blacks, golds) and patterns (coils, cogs, steam)
  • Slight use of Serifs with references the Victorian influence, but not always necessary (particularly in the more complex "title" style fonts I initially looked at)
  • Varying degrees of complexity

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