Thursday 6 February 2014

Editing in FCP X

Firstly, I have a title screen and a title.
I've gone for a very simple font, title and positioning, because I didn't want to bring more video into the introduction. The font choice was based on the meaning of the word 'messy', so I went for something handwritten. I did have other, 'messier' versions, but I didn't think they were very legible, so decided on this one. 

I've found myself extremely zoomed in on the timeline...
This is because I've been focusing on trimming shots frame by frame, and have noticed the importance of trimming by this much. It's allowed me to cut out any frames that do not contain any action. For example, a shot where my hand enters the frame and presses a button. If I cut this without zooming right into it and looking frame by frame, I may leave frames that still contain no action by accident. By zooming in, I can see if there is no action within each frame and trim this way, and this has played a huge part in creating a snappy edit. It's allowing me to ensure that there isn't any points that waste time that I could use elsewhere. When you're on tight constraints, you start to appreciate the importance of each frame and become ruthless. I've been removing shots that I like the look of but that just 'don't work', and I think this is making me a better editor. I'm able to separate myself from the edit, even though I'm the one in the film and I'm the one that's shot it, and focus purely on portraying a strong narrative.

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