Sunday 2 February 2014

I've been doing some thinking...

I've been thinking about my project, and am starting to consider that I may have tried to fit too much of a "story" into my film. I'm worried that I may have to skip over things or a message won't be as strong as I'd hoped in my final edit, as I am going to have to try and convey a few things within such a short amount of time; enough time to read a "note" that explains why the room needs to be tidied, a look at the time, going upstairs, seeing the messy room, trying to tidy it, and failing. My original plan incorporates a minimum of 2 locations and a longer cut to allow the viewer to have understanding.

Thinking about it, this may be too much. I will still film all of my planned shots, but in editing I think I may have to start stripping back the storyline a bit. One way of doing this is just having a "tidying room" montage, but I'm unsure whether this can really be considered as a "story". I could just use the story of rushing to tidy the room and establishing why (e.g. someone is coming over, maybe receiving a text message or seeing a note?). Seeing a text message would eliminate the need for another location and would only require a maximum of 3/4 shots, and allow me more room to play with the variety of shots for the actual tidying. Hmm.

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