Saturday 8 February 2014

The Ending

The ending of my film is something that's been bugging me.

I do not want to end abruptly.
I want to "wrap up" the story, in some way.
I don't want to create a whole other tangent of the story.
I don't want to take up too much time and detract time from telling the actual narrative.

In my presentation to the class, where I pitched my idea, I proposed the question "What direction should I take it?". I asked them to tell me the way they thought would be most successful, and they liked the idea of incorporating a failure into the narrative. I liked it too, but I then I thought about how I could do it. Previously on here I've spoken about my worry of over complicating things, and I've got this worry again. Some of my ideas require me to shoot extra footage, and some can be applied straight away.

Here's a few ideas I have:
- The sounding of a doorbell, and a shot of a panicked face and a wide shot of a still messy room.
- Wide shot of a tidy room, relieved face, lighting a candle, sounding of a doorbell.
- The hoover approaches the screen very closely (I already have this shot), and at the closest point there is a dip to black. You can hear the sound of the hoover dying out, heavy breathing and a clock ticking, and after an appropriate pause, the sound of a doorbell ringing or a door knocking.
- The sounding of a doorbell, and a medium shot of feet running and suddenly stopping - a pile of clothes is then dropped, to signify panic and failure.

At the moment, I am leaning towards the idea in bold. I'm drawn to the way it will tie in with the beginning of my film (e.g. the black screen), and will give focus to the sound effects and scope for me to experiment with sound and the feelings they portray further. As well it tying in with the beginning, it will also leave a slight cliff-hanger - even though above I stated I wanted to "wrap up" the story. This leaves it open and could leave you wondering (e.g. did they do it in time?).

Also, I want to avoid any opportunity for rubbish acting...

I'm most certainly not the most dramatic and emotional actor. I don't want to include any more shots containing bad that's just going to detract from the message I want and not have a positive effect on my film. 

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