Thursday 6 March 2014

Initial Ideas & Wireframing

To get an idea of how I am going to layout my iBook and how it may look on an iPad, a made a few wireframes. These were more for me to experiment further and gain more understanding on the layouts that I could pursue within the dimensions of the iPad.
Here I pursued one of my initial drawings from my sketchbook. It's a basic layout, with room for 4 images (one that's a lot skinnier and longer) as well as 3 rows of text below the smaller rectangular images. Then with an arrow to click to the next page. I'm going to have to look into the navigation of iBooks and whether or not that arrow is actually necessary, as my experience and analysis of them so far has been that it's not, and you just swipe. 
I then experimented with how an image would be viewed. If an image is clicked, much like on a lot of websites, it will appear bigger with a dim background to highlight it. Then with an X to close. I also like the idea of being able to click anywhere around the image (just not on it) to close it. Again, I need to start looking further into the restrictions of the program I am using.

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