Thursday 20 March 2014

Looking into Bookry.

I've started to plan out where the widgets in my iBook will specifically appear;
- Videos to explain complicated concepts (Plate tectonics, Ring of Fire, The Formation of Volcanoes)
- Quiz at the end of every chapter as a run through of what has been learnt.
- Pop over images to represent statistics (About specific Volcanoes e.g. Yellowstone, to explain types of lava)

I also have plans to design some short animations that demonstrate the strength of volcanoes in Chapter 2 - e.g. an animation of a soft drinks can being shaken and then opened with the liquid bursting everywhere.

I want to reduce the amount of text on the page as much as possible, but don't want to reduce the educational quality of the iBook at the same time. This is a balance I'm going to have to get right, but only through experimentation.

So I started to look into the Website 'Bookry' for help with the creation of the widgets I will feature in my iBook.
Bookry is a website that allows you to create your own widgets (from those that they provide) that you an download and then embed into your iBook. It's options include: Maps, Image Gallerys, YouTube Video's, Mix & Match quizzes, Vimeo Videos, Calculators, Charts, integration of Instagram and a 360 degree image viewer. 

I particularly want to use Bookry to embed videos as I have several videos that I'd like to include in my iBook. 

To create a widget on Bookry you 'add' one, and select the type. If you select 'YouTube', this is what will appear.
You give your widget a title, paste in the link and then if you'd like, add a start time and end time. Click save, and then download.

To embed into your iBook, move the .wdgt file you have downloaded into your project folder, and then select 'HTML' from iBooks inbuilt widget library. Navigate to your .wdgt file and upload it. That's it. I like how easy this website is, as I can look at a list of types of widgets and decide what would be appropriate for the subject I'm covering. 

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