Friday 28 March 2014

Some Completed Pages

Below are some screen shots and explanation of some pages that I have completed so far.
These pages follow a slightly different layout to others that I have. I decided to go with a large map taking up the entire background as I needed a way to communicate the location of the volcanoes. I had a map widget that I created with Bookry, but wasn't happy with it as it's state before it was clicked on was just the Google maps Logo. I had the option of uploading a 'preview' image to it - an image that would give the user an idea what they would see when they clicked on it. But I thought that was pointless, as the preview image would have to be of a map, and they would see a map she they clicked on it, so what's the point of the widget? They wouldn't be able to interact any further than that. This is a case of something I read from an article on Creativebloq.

8 Pro Tips for Creating interactive info graphics
"Before you make your interactive info graphic, it's worth considering why you're making it interactive"

So, I changed the background to an image of the map itself, and then worked content around it. On the first example there is additional interactive content - a photo gallery - which eliminates the need to have a grid of 6 photos on the screen, but in the 2nd I decided to stick with purely 2 images, which was not worth turning into something interactive.

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