Wednesday 8 January 2014


I displayed my work to the class and got some feedback. The overall response was very positive. 
I received the most amount of feedback on my book cover, the majority of which was very positive. They felt that my design was very well executed, with really good use of Illustrator. The general consensus was that the cover is a successful one.

The main critique I received was the combination of colours between the skyline and the fencing - they felt that the fencing slightly merged into the skyline. I understand what they mean, although when I look at my design on any computer screen it does not do this, and this may have been down to the colours the projector portrays, which are not quite rich enough. I will take this on board though as I must be careful not to choose colours that are borderline clashing, as when it is viewed on different screens the design looks a lot different. Considering my design is so reliant on it's colour scheme, in places on my cover (e.g the fencing and the skyline) I am risking it having a detrimental effect on the overall design. 

Another concern was the legibility of the authors name on the spine.  I agree with this and understand their concern, but am going to stick with how I have it. If I change the colour to white or cream, it will clash with the sky behind. If I change it to Red, it will ruin my design style of having only 1 element in the blood red on each side of the cover. I've specifically stuck this to drawn attention to certain elements  on each page. I cannot move the authors name down as the penguin logo will obstruct it. So, I'm going to keep it where it is.
When I displayed my poster on the screen, I made the mistake of not installing the font that I had used onto the presentation computer. This meant the fonts that appeared on the screen were not the ones that I had chosen. The crit still went well though, and the class actually liked the font that it changed to.

I asked if they felt the poster was too text heavy, and they said no. This is useful as I was worried I had written too much, especially in the very bold, heavy font I have chosen. The class were impressed with how I featured the cover on an actual book, and said this strengthened it and defined it as an actual poster rather than just a copy of a book cover thats been enlarged. 

The only slight concern from one person was the dark blue patch in the top left corner. They felt as it was the only element that was the colour, it was slightly detracting. The class disagreed, and said they felt it added to the realism of the sky, so I decided to leave it as it was. I like how it highlights the border  that I have placed around the poster. 

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