Tuesday 21 January 2014

The Paper Kites - Quick Cut Video

The Paper Kites - Young
Whilst this video is not 15-20 seconds long, and is a music video, I still found it interesting. It's a quick cut video containing over 4000 images.
This video got me further interested in transitions, and how I can use them with quick, fast cuts to create links from one shot to the next and in turn display a journey.

In this video, each shot is shown for less than a quarter of a second, but it builds the basis for the next one and in turn there is (whilst not seamless) a transition from one to the next that we can make sense of. It's almost like stop-motion. Below shows how each shot shows how someone lifts up their head. 
From watching this, I am interested in doing this in the larger scale. It's inevitable my film will have quick cuts - it has to have 30 fit within a maximum of 20 seconds - but I don't want that to mean that will have a detrimental effect on the storyline. I want to use the quick cuts to my advantage by linking each shot to one another in some way. I could do this through the location, the content, linking sounds, camera techniques (e.g. whip pan) etc.

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