Friday 24 January 2014

Idea Development: What direction should I take?

The idea that I am now leaning towards using is the 'tidying a bedroom' idea, but there are a variety of directions I can take it.

The general idea
Girl sees note on the fridge, reminding her to tidy her bedroom by 10am as someone is coming over. She looks to the clock, sees it's 5 to 10, and she only has 5 minutes to tidy her room. She bolts upstairs, and starts to tidy her room.

This is where I'm stuck, I have a number directions I can take the story;
  • She manages to tidy the room on time, everything is perfect, happy ending etc.
    • This would be the easiest to do. The shots would consist of her successfully completing different tasks in the room and we would at the end see her succeeding - clean carpet, bed made, smiling faces etc.
  • She is halfway through tidying, but doesn't manage to get it tidy in time.
    • A half tidied room, would result in a build up of tension in the film on false hope, that is released through failure. Reasonably amusing. 
  • She manages to tidy the room but it's ruined at the last second. My main vision for this is a dog bolting upstairs with muddy paws and ruining the whole thing.
    • Visually is quite amusing, unsure whether it's too cliche/expected though.
  • Her attempts to tidy the room are useless, it ends up looking exactly the same at the end than it did at the start - a pointless attempt.
    • Quite funny. Would turn the whole film towards the comedy direction. I could show her failure throughout the film or leave it till the end as a 'reveal'.
I have already storyboarded the film as her simply cleaning the room, so I will now experiment further with these ideas, do some more storyboarding and when it comes to the pitch next week I will present this question to the class to find out their opinions.

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