Tuesday 28 January 2014

My Pitch

Today I pitched my idea to the group, and got some good feedback. My pitch and the way I presented was complimented, and this has given me a real confidence boost on my ability to pull together my work and communicate it to the class, or potential clients, in a successful and clear way. Especially considering I used to feel sick just standing up in front of the class.

In my pitch I introduced the class to the phrases "diagetic" and "non-diagetic" which I learnt when I studied Creative Media. They are the film terms for sound from within or implied to be from within the scene (diagetic) (can be from the original recording or added in later, e.g. an alarm clock sound in a bedroom scene), and sound that is not within or not implied to be within (e.g. mood music, a narrator).

At the end of my pitch, I asked the group a question. I've been unsure on what direction I'd like my short film to go;
  1. The room gets tidied with no problems
  2. The room does not get tidied in time
  3. The room is tidied, only to be ruined at the end
  4. Consistently failing at tidying the room (e.g. constantly dropping things, tripping over etc)
The general consensus was a mixture of 1 & 4. I agree, and I think I'll be going in this direction. Now that I've thought about it, number 1 seems too boring, and number 3 seems too cliche & expected and wouldn't be as funny.

In my pitch I shared a quick 4 second video containing a few of my practise shots as I try to explore with my camera work.

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