Wednesday 1 January 2014

My Proposed Book Cover

This is my proposed book cover for "The Outsiders". Personally, I think it's very successful.

My aim for this cover was to communicate the idea of Gang Culture and it's prominence in a big city (In the book, it's Tulsa), and how it divides a community like it has the one in The Outsiders.

  • The fence represents separation and division.
  • The logo represents a gang sign, how it's stamped onto a newspaper with disregard for what was already there.
  • The knife represents violence and suggests the cause of the division in community. 
  • Red can be taken as a violent and brutal colour, due to its immediate relation to Blood. It is sparingly used to colour aspects I would like to drawn attention to. For this reason, it is used on just one place on the front cover - on the knife.
  • The rips inside the paper can be taken as both wear-and-tear of the paper, or as bullet holes. 
  • The battered newspaper represents destruction and provides insights into the happenings of the book through the various headlines spread amongst the page.
  • The newspaper strip and how it runs around the page is also hinting towards the classic layout of Penguin/Puffin books.

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