Thursday 23 January 2014

My Idea

I've come up with a short, one line synopsis that explains my idea for my 15-20 second film.
A film following the rush of tidying a bedroom when you’ve only a few minutes to spare.
The film will show the panic of trying to rush to tidy your bedroom within the shortest amount of time possible. This film will be filmed within the confinement of a bedroom, which allows me to focus on shooting shots that have a sense of continuation between them. By restricting the story to one room I am hoping it will allow me to explore with as many camera angles and shots within that room and then strengthen the story and the feeling of panic with the actor being surrounded by mess.

I have made note of the sorts of sounds that I would like to use in my film.
  • Spray can sound
  • "squeaky clean" 
  • Feet running on wooden floor
  • Running from carpet to wooden floor
  • Sweeping - wooden floor
  • Hoover
  • A fall onto wooden floor
  • Panicked breathing
  • Plug being plugged into wall
  • Creaking
  • Scrape against wall
  • Clock, tick tock etc
  • Cloth rubbing together
A quick Google brought up a list of royalty free sound effect websites, but I am yet to explore these further and look into their usage licenses;,,,

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