Thursday 2 January 2014

The A2 Poster

The next piece I need to design is the A2 poster. Before I do this, I decided to have a quick look at existing book promotion posters to get an idea of what sort of content that have and how they are designed.
What I noted about book promotion posters:
  • Majority feature the book being promoted - e.g. a picture of the physical book.
  • Text along the lines of "on sale here", "available to buy now"
  • Like all posters, features imagery relevant to the book, following the chosen design style.
  • Mention of the author - are the well known? emphasis on that
  • Same features as majority of promo posters, just for a book. 
When in Waterstones, I took some pictures of the posters they have up in there. 
  • Not all feature a picture of the physical book - but there is mention of the words "novel", "book" etc. 
  • Being featured in a book store, these will automatically be taken as adverts for books.
  • Recommendations: "read it, and you'll never be quite the same again" - gives someone a reason to read the book.

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