Monday 20 January 2014

Developing Understanding & Initial Ideas

In order for me to come up with more ideas and understand the task further, I broke down the brief some more;
- 30 edits - (30 cuts), must be dynamic, will be fast paced
- 15-20 seconds - an intro and end screen is optional, but is in addition to the 20 seconds.
- A 'journey' - travelling, accomplishing a task, emotionally
- Storyboarding - need a variety of shots to build 30 edits
- Sound - sound effects, no soundtrack, royalty free

I then started to think about the types of journey that I could have, under the category of an "everyday action". These included Food (ordering food, baking, being at a restaurant), actual physical journeys (to college, work, going on a run, going home), Cleaning (tidying, against the clock, getting it perfect) and Getting Ready (e.g. doing hair/makeup).
When I thought about how I could produce these ideas, I started to see a problem with some of them. I felt that the ideas that involved ordering food, baking, making tea, applying make up etc would confine me to the one spot. For example, the ordering of food would literally involve someone on the phone talking, and applying make up would restrict my variety of shots to of someones face and close ups of each piece of make up. I didn't like how this would restrict me, and felt it would probably result in a film that wasn't very interesting because the subject wasn't in the first place.

Then, when I looked further into shooting an actual, physical journey, I realised it would do the opposite of restricting me. There are so many important "checkpoints" to cover on say, a journey to work or college, that I'd end up having just a few shots for each. I felt it would spread the story and shots out too thin, and wouldn't allow room for me to experiment with more interesting shots - they'd just be the standard, basic shots required to just portray a sense of the story.

This is what is now drawing towards the "cleaning" category, because it will allow me to work within one room and explore that room with a variety of shots. I may think of another type of story that I could contain within a room, but I'm now going to start storyboarding/doodling a few ideas for shots and brainstorming some shots I could use in each of these categories to see if I could make any of them work.

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